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Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How do I get a CHPC account?
    2. How do I get an allocation?
    3. How do I get a University of Utah affiliate ID?
    4. How do I connect to the CHPC clusters?
    5. I cannot log into a CHPC cluster. 
    6. I can't ssh to a CHPC machine anymore and received a serious looking error that starts with
    7. I am getting the message "Disk quota exceeded".
    8. I am running a campus VPN on my home computer and can't connect to some websites.
    9. I would like to change my shell (to bash or tcsh).
    10. I would like to change the email address CHPC uses to contact me.
    11. I would like to unsubscribe from CHPC e-mail messages.
    12. I am getting a violation of usage policy warning from Arbiter that is confusing.
    13. How do I know what cluster to submit my jobs to?
    14. I don't understand what the different SLURM partitions mean.
    15. My SLURM job won't start.
      1. Batch job submission failed: Invalid account or account/partition combination specified.
      2. Batch job submission failed: Node count specification invalid.
      3. Required node not available (down, drained, or reserved).
    16. My calculations or other file operations complain that the file can't be accessed, or it does not exist, even though I have just created or modified it.
    17. I can't access files from my group space or scratch in Jupyter or RStudio Server.
    18. My RStudio Server session does not start, or crashes on start.
    19. Starting Emacs editor is very slow.
    20. Opening Emacs file is very slow.
    21. My program crashed because /tmp has filled up.
    22. How do I check that my job is running efficiently?
    23. My calculations are running slower than expected.
    24. I'm receiving a 'Killed' or 'OOM' error from Slurm.
    25. How can I use all processors in a multi-node job with different CPU core counts per node?
    26. My job needs access to GPU resources. How do I request GPU node(s) for my job?
    27. My program crashes with error "error while loading shared libraries:...: No such file or directory".
    28. I am getting an error like " version GLIBC_2.33 not found" when trying to run a program
    29. Is your question not on this list?

1. How do I get a CHPC account?

You can request to have a CHPC account here. Please note that, to have a CHPC account, you need an active University of Utah uNID and need to either be a PI or work with a PI. If you work with a PI that does not have a CHPC account, your PI will need to apply for a CHPC account with the link above and mark in the application that they are a new PI.

Do you not have an active University of Utah uNID because you work for another institution? You can find information for obtaining a University of Utah affiliate ID here


2. How do I get an allocation?

General Environment Allocations:

An allocation is needed at the CHPC to work on our notchpeak cluster. The CHPC awards allocations on our systems based on proposals submitted to a review committee. Research groups must submit requests for allocations. Please refer to our Allocation Documentation and our Allocations Policy for detailed information.

Please note that allocation requests must be completed by the CHPC PI or a designated delegate. To specify a delegate, the CHPC PI must email and provide the name and uNID of the user you wish to have allocation delegate rights. 

Protected Environment Allocations:

The protected environment has a separate allocation process; see the protected environment allocation information page for details.


3. How do I get an affiliate ID?

If you work at a higher-ed Utah institution or collaborate with a researcher who works at one, you can request to obtain a University of Utah affiliate ID. To do so, either contact your collaborator to request an affiliate ID for you or contact the CHPC HelpDesk at When you contact us, please provide your first and last name, email address, and birthday.

If you previously had an active uNID at the University of Utah, you may request to have that uNID reinstated. If that is the case, then please provide your previous uNID when contacting us.

It will take about a week for HR to process your affiliate ID after submitting the application. Once processed, your PI/collaborator will receive an email to approve the affiliate ID. Your affiliate ID will not become active until your PI/collaborator approves the application.


4. How do I connect to the CHPC clusters?

You can connect to our systems either through an ssh connection or through our Open OnDemand web portal:

Via SSH connection:

ssh UNID@<cluster>

where <cluster> is replaced by:

Please note that notchpeak, lonepeak, and kingspeak our in our general environment, whereas redwood is in our protected environment (PE) for use with Protected Health Information. If connecting to redwood, be prepared to confirm your identity with Duo.

Via OpenOnDemand:

For our general environment (notchpeak, lonepeak, and kingspeak) clusters, visit and login to validate your credentials.

For our protected environment (redwood) cluster, visit and login to validate your credentials.

Alternative Connection Methods:

In addition to the two methods mentioned above, we have a variety of other ways in which you can access our systems:


5. I cannot log into a CHPC cluster. 

It could be possible that the server for the cluster you are attempting to connect to is down, either due to planned or unplanned downtime or a localized failure of the login server.

If there is planned downtime, you would have received an email from the CHPC. If you did not receive an email, then make sure you have an up to date e-mail contact in your CHPC Profile in order to get our announcements, or, check our latest news

In the case of a localized failure of the login server, please attempt to connect to another CHPC machine (e.g. kingspeak2 instead of kingspeak1, or a different cluster). If the error persists, please make us aware by contacting us at

Another common possibility is a lockout after multiple failed login attempts due to incorrect passwords.

Both CHPC and the UofU campus implement various measures to prevent "brute force" login attacks. After a certain number of failed logins within a certain time period, login will be disabled for a small period of time. These time parameters are not made public for security reasons and vary between the general environment, protected environment, and the campus authentication, but, in general, the period of disablement is an hour or less from the last failed login attempt.

The best approach to deal with this is to try to log into a different machine (e.g. kingspeak2 instead of kingspeak1, or a different cluster) or wait until login is enabled again. It is counter-productive to try to login again, even with the correct password, as the disablement timer will reset.

If SSH login to no CHPC Linux cluster works, the problem may be with the campus authentication lockout for SSH. CHPC uses the campus authentication to verify user identity. To check if campus authentication works, try any of the CIS logins. If you can successfully connect, you may still be able to access CHPC resources via the web portal. Regardless, contact the campus help desk and inform them on the AD SSH lockout and ask them to unlock you.


6. I can't ssh to a CHPC machine anymore and received a serious-looking error:


While looking scary, this error is usually benign. It occurs when the SSH keys on the machine you are trying to connect to change, most commonly with an operation system upgrade. There are two ways to get rid of this message and log in:

  1. open the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts in a text editor and delete the lines that contain the host name you are connecting to                                      
  2. use the ssh-keygen command with a -R flag to remove the ssh keys for the given host
    e.g. ssh-keygen -R

On the subsequent ssh connection to the machine should say something like the message below and let you login:

Warning: Permanently added ', (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts 



7. I am getting the message "Disk quota exceeded" when logging in.

By default, CHPC home directories provide 50GB of free storage. When the 50GB limit is exceeded, we prevent users from writing any more files to their home directory. As some access tools like FastX and Open OnDemand rely on storing small files in user's home directory upon logging in, access to these tools will fail.

To display quota information either run themydiskquotacommand inside a terminal session or log on to CHPC user personal details and scroll down to Filesystem Quotas.

For themydiskquota output, focus on the /home/hpc or the /home/chpc line; here, the first figure is the important one and references the storage usage in GB. The Overall capacity covers the whole CHPC file system, not just one user's home directory. If your storage is over 50GB, delete or move unnecessary files. To do that, log in using a terminal tool, such as putty or Git bash on Windows or terminal on a Mac or Linux machine.

Please note that quota information refreshes once per hour, so, when deleting files, mydiskquota may not reflect the change immediately. However, if one removes enough data to get under quota, one will be able to write again, even if the report still shows being over the quota.

To keep large files, explore other storage solutions at CHPC. As a temporary solution, you may temporarily move large files to one of our scratch servers, e.g.:

mkdir -p /scratch/general/vast/$USER
mv big_file /scratch/general/vast/$USER

To find large files, in the text terminal, run the ncdu command in your home directory to show disk space used per directory (the largest directory will be at the top). Then cd to the directory with the largest usage and continue till you find the largest files. Remove them or move them to CHPC scratch as shown above.

If you clean a few files and are able to open FastX session again, a graphical tool baobabis similar to ncdu but shows the usage in an easier to comprehend graphic.


8. I am running a campus VPN on my home computer and can't connect to certain websites.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) makes your computer to look like it currently resides on the University of Utah campus, even if you are off-site. However, depending on how the campus VPN is set up, you may not be able to access certain off-campus internet resources.

We recommend to only use VPN if one needs to:

  • map network drives to CHPC file servers
  • use remote desktop to connect to CHPC machines that allow remote desktop (e.g. Windows servers)
  • connect to the Protected Environment resources

All other resources do not need VPN. These include:

  • ssh or FastX to connect to CHPC general environment Linux clusters
  • access to the general environment Open OnDemand
  • accessing secure websites that require University authenticated login, such as CHPC's webpage, various other campus webpages (Canvas, HR,...) Box, Google Drive, etc.


9. I would like to change my shell (to bash or tcsh).

You can change your shell in the Edit Profile page by selecting the shell you'd like and clicking "Change." This change should take effect within fifteen minutes and you will need to re-login on any resources you were using at the time. That includes terminating all FastX sessions you may have running.

If you only need to use a different shell (but don't want to change your own), you can initiate a new shell by invoking it (e.g. with the tcsh or bash command) or pass commands as arguments (e.g. tcsh -c "echo hello").


10. I would like to change my email address.

You can change the email address CHPC uses to contact you in the Edit Profile page .


11. I would like to unsubscribe from CHPC e-mail messages.

If you no longer work on any CHPC resources, you can unsubscribe by going to our unsubscribe page.

However, if you currently work on CHPC resources, please note that e-mail announcements are essential in updating our user base to changes in our systems and services and we strongly recommend to stay subscribed. We try to keep e-mails to a minimum, at most a couple a week, unless there is a computer downtime or other critical issue.

For ease of e-mail navigation and deletion, we have adopted four standard headlines for all of our messages:

  • CHPC DOWNTIME - for announcements related to planned or unplanned computer downtimes
  • CHPC PRESENTATION - for CHPC lectures and presentations
  • CHPC ALLOCATIONS - for announcements regarding the CHPC resources allocation
  • CHPC INFORMATION - for announcements different than the three above


12. I am getting a violation of usage policy warning from Arbiter that is confusing.

We monitor usage of the CHPC cluster login nodes as they are a shared and limited resource.

Our monitoring system, Arbiter, sends warnings if CPU or memory usage of a user exceeds limits on our login nodes. Even if one does not run time consuming calculations, sometimes applications such as FastX remote desktop puts enough load on the system to trigger these warnings.

In the email you received from Arbiter, there will be a section detailing the high-impact processes that caused Arbiter to trigger, such as the one below.

example arbiter email

In the example above, you can see that the user was running a python process that exceeded the limits we place on our login nodes. At this point, it would be appropriate for the user to terminate any python process running on the login node and start the same job in an interactive session or on a compute node via SLURM.

If you suspect it is your FastX session that triggered Arbiter, please login using FastX to the affected cluster and terminate the FastX session. Keep in mind that FastX sessions stay alive after closing the session and need to be terminated to quit them.

If you are still unsure what is triggering the Arbiter warnings, please contact us at


13. I don't understand what the different SLURM partitions mean.

While the CHPC has different clusters that you can submit jobs to, the CHPC has set different SLURM partitions to access a variety of different resources in order to meet the varying research needs of our users. These partitions are virtual 'groups' of our different node types and node configurations. Below is a layout to understand their naming schema:

Please note that, below, <cluster> refers to any of the CHPC clusters, such as notchpeak, kingspeak, lonepeak, and redwood.

  • Partition: <cluster>
    • This partition would have the naming mechanism notchpeak, kingspeak, lonepeak, or redwood. With this partition, when you submit a job, your job receives that whole node or set of nodes and no other job can run on this/these node(s).
  • Partition: <cluster>-shared
    • This partition allows multiple jobs to run on the same node. If your job does not require all CPUs and/or memory of a whole node, it is beneficial to use this partition.
  • Partition: <cluster>-guest
    • This partition allows for jobs to run on owner nodes. Please note that jobs run on owner nodes are subject to preemption.
  • Partition: <cluster>-shared-guest
    • This partition allows multiple jobs to run on the same owner node(s). This partition may have shorter wait times, but jobs that run on owner nodes are subject to preemption.
  • Partition: <cluster>-gpu
    • This partition allows users access to GPU nodes. Please note that users are not automatically given access to GPU resources. If your research requires access to GPU resources, please contact us at and tell us why you need access to GPU resources.
  • Partition: <cluster>-dtn
    • This partition is connected to our Data Transfer Nodes and is useful for transferring large amounts of data at fast speeds, high performance, and low latency.
  • Partition: <cluster>-freecycle
    • Your job should run on the freecycle partition only if you ran out of an allocation for the notchpeak (general) or redwood (protected environment) clusters. Freecycle jobs do not require an allocation, but are subject to preemption.


14. My SLURM job won't start.

There are many reasons why your SLURM job may not have begun. Here are a common list of reasons that may have prevented your SLURM job from starting:

  • Batch job submission failed: Invalid account or account/partition combination specified

    This error message can indicate one of two things:  1) you supplied the incorrect account name or account/partition information to SLURM. 2) you are attempting to run a job on the notchpeak cluster, but your research group does not have an allocation or has used all of their allocation for the current quarter.

    Solution to 1) If you suspect that you supplied the incorrect account name or account/partition information to SLURM, you can check your allocation with the  myallocation command. The output to this command will give you the correct account and partition combination for each SLURM partition that you have access to. Check the spelling in your batch script or interactive command and be sure you have access to the account and partition that you are requesting.

Solution to 2) To view your allocation status, and if you have run out of allocation for the current quarter, see this page. If your group is either not listed in the first table on this page or there is a 0 in the first column (allocation amount) your group does not have a current allocation. In this case, your group may want to consider completing a quick allocation request to supply your group with a small allocation for the remainder of the quarter. To receive a larger allocation for future quarters, you will need to submit an allocation request before the next deadline.

If you ran out of an allocation for the quarter, you must run your job either on our kingspeak or lonepeak clusters (if you need the general environment), on owner nodes, or on the freecycle partition. Jobs on the freecycle partition will have lower priority and will be preemptable.

  • Batch job submission failed: Node count specification invalid

    The number of nodes that can be used for a single job is limited; attempting to submit a job that uses more resources than available will result in the above error. This limit of nodes one can request is approximately 1/2 the total number of general nodes on each cluster (currently 32 on notchpeak, 24 on kingspeak, and 106 on lonepeak). Detailed information on resources available for each cluster can be found here.

    The limit on the number of nodes can be exceeded with a reservation or QOS specification. Requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis; please contact us ( to learn more.

  • Required node not available (down, drained, or reserved) or job has "reason code" ReqNodeNotAvail

    This occurs when a reservation is in place on one or more of the nodes requested by the job. The "Required node not available (down, drained, or reserved)" message can occur when submitting a job interactively (with srun, for instance); when submitting a script (often with sbatch), however, the job will enter the queue without complaint and SLURM will assign it the "reason code" (which provides some insight into why the job has not yet started) "ReqNodeNotAvail."

    The presence of a reservation on a node likely means it is in maintenance. It is possible there is a downtime on the cluster in question; please check the news page and subscribe to the mailing list via the User Portal so you will be notified of impactful maintenance periods


15. How do I know what cluster to submit my jobs to?

To answer this question, first answer: does your job belong in the general environment or protected environment (PE)? If working with Protected Health Information (PHI) connected with an IRB, it belongs in the PE on our redwood cluster.

If your job belongs in the general environment, you can submit to any of our three general environment clusters - notchpeak, kingspeak, or lonepeak -  depending on your allocation. Notchpeak requires an allocation, while kingspeak and lonepeak do not require allocations.

You can view how busy each of our clusters are in the 'System Status' column to the right of the CHPC Homepage. If your job belongs in the general environment, we recommend submitting your job to the least busy cluster to reduce wait time.


 16. My calculations or other file operations complain that the file can't be accessed, or it does not exist, even though I have just created or modified it.

This error may have many incarnations but it may look something like this:

ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open input script in.npt-218K-continue (../lammps.cpp:327)

It also occurs randomly, sometimes the program works, sometimes not.

This error is most likely due to the way the file system writes files. For performance reasons, it writes parts of the file into a memory buffer, which gets periodically written to the disk. If another machine tries to access the file before the machine that writes the file writes it to the disk, this error occurs. For NFS, which we use for all our home directories and group spaces, it is well described here. There are several ways to deal with this:

  1. Use the Linux sync command to forcefully flush the buffers to the disk. Do this both at the machine where the file writing and file reading occurs BEFORE the file is accessed. To ensure that all compute nodes in the job sync, do "srun -n $SLURM_NNODES --ntasks-per-node=1 sync ".
  2. Sometimes adding the Linux sleep command can help, to provide an extra time window for the syncing to occur.
  3. Inside of the code, use fflush for C/C++ or flush for Fortran. For other languages, such as Python and Matlab, google the language with "for flush" to see what options are there.

If neither of these help, please, try another file system to see if the error persists (e.g. /scratch/general/vast or /scratch/local), and let us know.


17. I can't access files from my group space or scratch in Jupyter or RStudio Server.

Unfortunately, both Jupyter and RStudio Server set one's home as a root of its file system, so, one can't step "one directory down" and then browse back up to the group file spaces.

There's a trick to get these portals to access the group space, or a scratch space - create a symbolic link from that space to your home directory. To do this, in a terminal window, run

ln -s /uufs/ ~/

Replace the my-group1  with the appropriate group space name. You'll then see the my-group1 directory in the root of your home and access it this way.

Similarly, for the scratch spaces, e.g. for /scratch/general/vast, we can do:

ln -s /scratch/general/vast/$USER ~/vast_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18. My RStudio Server session does not start, or crashes on start.

Sometimes, the RStudio Server session files stored in user's home directory get corrupted, preventing starting new RStudio Server sessions. This is especially common if one chooses to automatically save the work space and doesn't terminate the RStudio Server session before deleting the job that runs it (e.g. in Open OnDemand).

Many of these situations can be prevented if one terminates the Open OnDemand RStudio Server session via its menu File - Quit Session, rather than just closing the web browser tab and deleting the job.

To remedy this situation, first try to remove the session files, by running 

rm -rf ~/.local/share/rstudio/sessions/*.

If that does not help, move the whole RStudio settings directories.

mv ~/.local/share/rstudio ~/.local/share/rstudio-old.

Be aware that this will reset some customizations you may have done. If this does not work, move the user settings,  

mv ~.config/rstudio ~/.config/rstudio-old .

Finally, if none of these steps work, contact our help desk. We have seen cases where the RStudio project files were saved in certain user home directories that were corrupted and they had to be removed by a member of the CHPC staff.


19. Starting Emacs editor is very slow.

Emacs's initialization includes accessing many files, which can be slow in the network file system environment. The workaround is to run EMacs in the server mode (as a daemon), and start each terminal session using emacsclient command. The Emacs daemon stays in the background even if one disconnects from that particular system, so, it needs to be started only once per system start.

The easiest way is to create an alias for the emacs command as

alias emacs emacsclient -a \"\"

Note the escaped double quote characters (\"\"). This will start the emacs as a daemon if it's not started already, and proceeds to run in client mode.

Note that by default emacsclient starts in the terminal. To force start Emacs GUI, add the "-c" flag, e.g. (assuming the aforementioned alias is in place) "

emacs -c myfile.txt

Another solution, suggested by a user, is to add this line to your .emacs file in your home directory:

(setq locate-dominating-stop-dir-regexp "\\`\\(?:/uufs/[^\\/]+/\\|~/\\)\\'")


20. Opening Emacs file is very slow.

We have yet to find the root of this problem but it's most likely caused by the number of files in a directory and the type of the file that Emacs is filtering through. The workaround is to read the file without any contents conversion:

 M-x find-file-literally <Enter> filename <Enter>

After opening the file, one can tell Emacs to encode the file accordingly, e.g. to syntax highlight shell scripts:

M-x sh-mode <Enter>

To make this change permanent, open the ~/.emacs file to add:

(global-set-key "\C-c\C-f" 'find-file-literally)



 21. My program crashed because /tmp filled up.

Linux defines temporary file systems at /tmp or /var/tmp, where temporary user and system files are stored. CHPC cluster nodes set up temporary file systems as a RAM disk with limited capacity. All interactive and compute nodes have also a spinning disk local storage at /scratch/local.

If a user program is known to need temporary storage, it is advantageous to set environment variable, TMPDIR, which defines the location of the temporary storage, and point it to /scratch/local. Or, even better, create a user specific directory, /scratch/local/$USER, and set /scratch/local to that as shown in our sample at /uufs/[csh,sh] .


22. How do I check that my job is running efficiently?

One possibility is that you are not utilizing all of the available CPUs that you requested. To find this information, run the following command:

pestat -u $USER

Any information shown in red is a warning sign. In the example output below the user's jobs are only utilizing one CPU out of 16 or 28 available:

Hostname       Partition     Node Num_CPU  CPUload  Memsize  Freemem  Joblist
                            State Use/Tot              (MB)     (MB)  JobId User ...
   kp016      kingspeak*    alloc  16  16    1.00*    64000    55494  7430561 u0123456  
   kp378      schmidt-kp    alloc  28  28    1.00*   256000   250656  7430496 u0123456 

 Another possibility is that the job is running low on memory, although we now limit the maximum memory used by the job via SLURM so this is much less common than it used to be. However, if you notice low free memory along with low CPU utilization, like in the example below, try to submit on nodes with more memory by using the #SBATCH --mem=xxx option.

An example of pestat output of a high memory job with a low CPU utilization is below:

Hostname Partition Node  Num_CPU CPUload Memsize Freemem Joblist
State Use/Tot (MB) (MB) JobId User ...
kp296 emcore-kp alloc 24 24 1.03* 128000 2166* 7430458 u0123456



 23. My calculations are running slower than expected?

First, check how efficiently are your jobs using the compute nodes. This can give some clues as to what the problem is.

There can be multiple reasons for this, ranging from user mistakes to hardware and software issues. Here are the most common causes, in the order of commonality:

  • Not parallelizing the calculation. In an HPC environment, we obtain speed by distributing the workload onto many processors. There are different ways to parallelize depending on the program workflow, starting from independent calculations to explicit parallelization of the program using OpenMP, MPI, or interpreted languages like Python, R or Matlab. For some basic information on how to use explicit parallelization, see our Introduction to Parallel Computing lecture or contact us.
  • User does not supply the correct number of parallel tasks or hard coded the number of tasks to run instead of using SLURM variables like $SLURM_NTASKS or $SLURM_CPUS_PER_NODE. Check your SLURM script and program input files for this. If in doubt, contact us.
  • Inefficient parallelization. MPI can especially be sensitive to how efficiently the program parallelization is implemented. If you need help in analyzing and fixing the parallel performance, contact us.
  • Hardware or software issues on the cluster. If you rule out any of the issues listed above, please contact us.


24. I'm receiving a 'Killed' or 'OOM' error from Slurm.

The CHPC keeps strict memory limits in jobs through the SLURM scheduler. If your job ends prematurely, please check if the job output has "Killed" or "OOM" at or near the end of the output. That would signalize that the job was killed due to being low on memory.

Occasionally the SLURM memory check does not work and your jobs end up either slowing down the nodes where the job runs or puts the nodes into a bad state. This requires sysadmin interaction to recover the nodes, and we usually notify the user and ask to correct their behavior - either by asking more memory for the job (with the #SBATCH --mem=xxx option), or by checking what they are doing and lowering their memory needs.

In either case, in these situations it is imperative to monitor the memory usage of the job. A good initial check is to run the pestat command. If you notice that the memory is low, the next step would be to ssh to the affected node and run the top command. Observe the memory load of the program and if it is high and you notice kswapd processes taking some CPU time, this indicates that the program is using too much memory. Delete the job before it ends up putting the node in a bad state, remedy the memory needs as suggested above.


25. How can I use all processors in a multi-node job with different CPU core counts per node?

In some cases (e.g. when an owner has several generations of nodes) it is desireable to run a multi-node job that spans nodes with different CPU core counts. To utilize all the CPUs on these nodes, instead of defining the job's process count with the SLURM_NTASKS variable provided by SLURM, one has to explicitly specify the total CPU core count on these nodes.

This is achieved by specifying only--nodes, not--ntasks, in the node/tasks request part of the SLURM batch script. The second step is to calculate how many CPU cores are available on all the job's nodes, which is stored in the JOB_TASKS variable. This variable is supplied (e.g. to mpirun) to specify the number of tasks.

#SBATCH --nodes=12
JOB_TASKS=`echo $SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE | sed -e 's/[()]//g' -e 's/x/*/g' -e 's/,/+/g' | bc`

mpirun -np $JOB_TASKS program_to_run


26. My job needs access to GPU resources. How do I request a GPU node for my job?

If your job needs access to GPU resources, please first check that you have access to our GPU partitions by running the myallocation command. In the output, if you do not see <cluster>-gpu (where cluster is either notchpeak, lonepeak, kingspeak, or redwood), please contact us at and tell us why you need GPU resources.

If you do have access to GPU partitions, you can request GPU node(s) either in your SLURM batch script or through Open OnDemand.

via SLURM:

Add the following to your batch script:

#SBATCH --gres=gpu

You can alternatively request certain types and counts of GPU resources as such:

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:v100:4

The above request 4 v100 GPUs.

via Open OnDemand:

You can request access to GPUs when running software on Open OnDemand.  When filling out the fields to request CHPC resources for your software, you will see a field called 'Advanced Options', such as below: 

advanced options ood

You must click on the 'Advanced Options' box for GPU options to appear. There, you can click 'GPU type' to request GPU resources and specify what types of GPUs you need for your job. Put 'any' if you just need any GPU.

**by not clicking advanced options and not specifying a GPU type, your Open OnDemand session will not have GPU resources.

27. My program crashes with error "error while loading shared libraries:...: No such file or directory".

This error means that the program can't find shared libraries on which it depends. The full error message specifies the library name, e.g. "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". 

To get the program running, one needs to tell the program the path where the library is, either by setting this path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or by loading a module that has this library (which sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH). To list all the shared libraries that are needed by the executable, use the ldd command, e.g. ldd myprogram.  

If one builds a program from source, it's the best to modify the rpath of the program by adding linker flag -Wl,-rpath=PATH, PATH  being the path where the library is located. For example, in the above mentioned missing NetCDF library, one could achieve this by loading the gcc/8.5.0 netcdf/4.9.0 modules and in their link line or LDFLAGS, set -Wl,-rpath=$NETCDF_ROOT/lib.  The NETCDF_ROOT environment variable is defined in the netcdf/4.9.0 module and points to the path where the is located.

28. I am getting an error like " version GLIBC_2.33 not found" when trying to run a program

This means that the program executable was built on a newer operating system, than what our clusters run. Different OS versions use different base OS library called glibc, which is backward, but not forward compatible. That is, programs built with newer glibc don't run on older OSes. In the error message above, glibc 2.33 is referenced. The Rocky Linux 8, which is at the time of this writing used at CHPC clusters, uses glibc 2.28, i.e. an older glibc than the program above requires. 

If the program supplies binaries for different Linux OSes, try to get one that's close to Rocky Linux 8 / RHEL8 that we run. A list of Linux distributions and their respective glibc versions can be found here.

Another option is to see if the program can be easily built from the source natively on our systems, or with a package manager like Spack.

If other binary is not available, and building from the source is cumbersome, either look if this program is available in a container, or create a container that runs the OS on which this program was built on, and run it in this container. Contact us if you need help.


29. Is your question not on this list?

If our FAQ section did not answer your question(s), please email us at and one of our dedicated team members will assist you.

Last Updated: 8/22/24