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CHPC PE ANNOUNCEMENT: PE Usage Information Needed for NIH Report by Monday April 13th

Posted: April 2nd, 2020

All users of the CHPC Protected Environment

We are approaching the due date for the Annual Usage Report for the NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (1S10OD021644-01A1, FROM GENOMICS TO NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: A PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT FOR RESEARCH COMPUTING IN THE HEALTH SCIENCE) that funded the refresh of the Protected Environment (PE) in 2017. The time period for this report is April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020. 

In order to complete the report we need information from the users, specifically:

  1. Any publications resulting from the use of the PE in this time period (please see note about citing or linking publications below)
  2. Any other NIH grants that funded work that made use of the PE in this time period (name, grant number, PI, start date, end date)
  3. Any statements on the impact of the availability of the PE on your research in this time period 
  4. Any specific research accomplishments that can be highlighted in the report

Please send any information to me so that it can be added into the report.

A note about publications: NIH requires that all authors of publications which make use of the protected environment do one of the following:

  1. Acknowledge the S10 award  in the publication (see
  2. Link their publication to the S10 grant via their My NCBI (   

We request that this be done for ALL publications using the PE since the refresh, which was Fall 2017, as there are only a handful of publications that have linked to the grant thus far.  When we submitted the last Annual Usage Report, the program officer requested we retroactively add publications from that time period before submitting this year's report.

We need this information by Monday, April 13th so that we can submit the report by its due date. Your assistance with this report is greatly appreciated!

Last Updated: 1/8/25