Upgrade of FastX2 server version the morning of Tuesday, February 9th
Date Posted: January 26, 2016
In the morning on Tuesday February 9th we will be updating the version of the FastX2 server on all of the nodes listed below. This will kill all existing FastX2 sessions on these machines. However, the nodes will not need to be rebooted so work outside of FaxtX2 sessions will not be affected.
Note that the ember interactive nodes are not on the list as we did the upgrade on these nodes a few weeks back. This upgrade will fix a number of issue we have been seeing with the current version, including the fact that some X applications do not work.
The machines that will be affected:
apogee ash5 atmos04 frisco3 humu kingspeak13 kingspeak18 kingspeak22 kingspeak4(smaug) kingspeak9 manga meteo05 meteo10 meteo15 meteo20 puhi tangent2
ash1 ash6 eboss frisco4 kingspeak1 kingspeak14 kingspeak19 kingspeak23(hawkeye) kingspeak5 lonepeak1 meteo01 meteo06 meteo11 meteo16 meteo21 scrubpeak1 wx1
ash2 atmos01 elmo frisco5 kingspeak10 kingspeak15 kingspeak2 kingspeak24(radar) kingspeak6 lonepeak2 meteo02 meteo07 meteo12 meteo17 meteo22 scrubpeak2 wx2
ash3 atmos02 frisco1 frisco6 kingspeak11 kingspeak16 kingspeak20 kingspeak25 kingspeak7 lonepeak3 meteo03 meteo08 meteo13 meteo18 meteo23 sdssadmin wx3
ash4 atmos03 frisco2 frisco7 kingspeak12 kingspeak17 kingspeak21 kingspeak26 kingspeak8 lonepeak4 meteo04 meteo09 meteo14 meteo19 ono tangent1 wx4
It will also affect the following machines in the protected environment:
Farnsworth poet1 poet2 apex1 apex2 press-ganey
Please let us know if any questions or concerns by sending email to issues@chpc.utah.edu.